
GBCC主席Q&答:博士. 谢丽尔较小

In March 2022, Lesser brought her 30 plus years of educational leadership experience to Great Bay. 

从2022年3月开始. 谢丽尔较小 brought her 30 plus years of educational leadership experience to serve as the next president of 冰球突破豪华版试玩. 这是一个Q&了解她和她对GBCC的愿景.

是什么让你选择了教育事业?你的职业道路是如何开始的? 从小时候起, I have always wanted to be a teacher and had various early experiences such as teaching clarinet and swimming. I was inspired by my mother who had a love for education and had plans of being a teacher. 而她在学校工作的梦想并没有实现, 她是我哥哥和我的老师, 支持我们, 让我们保持专注,帮助我们学习. 当我开始成为一名高中教师时,这让我对教育产生了热爱, before the natural progression from a community college modern language faculty and holding several leadership roles as a dean, 副主席,现在是GBCC的主席.

请谈谈你在社区大学的领导经历. Nearly my entire career as an educator has been working in various roles at local community colleges. I started out as a Spanish and French faculty member before moving to dean then vice president of academic affairs. I have enjoyed my time working throughout the years at several community colleges as this has provided me a variety of experiences that have shaped who I am and the president that I want to be.

你在辅导方面有什么经验? Mentoring is a huge part of my life and something that I have formally and informally done for years. 我认为提供支持是极其重要的, guidance and insight to help someone succeed just the same way that I was helped through the years. As an educational leader, I take every opportunity that I can to help others along the way.

是什么吸引你来到GBCC,是什么让它如此独特? GBCC社区充满激情和同情心,帮助学生取得成功. 这所大学以积极为中心, 希望和作为一个社区的愿望是更好,做得更好. 员工之间有着如此美妙的同志情谊,这很特别, 老师和学生都是欢迎和邀请的, 愿意以任何方式互相帮助和支持.

明年你在学校的目标和重点是什么? 专注于学生的成功和学术卓越,我们所做的一切. 改善内部关系,使我们可持续发展.  Having  a great culture and being financially stable along with expanding our external relationships with the community to meet workforce needs. The people who work here and the community we serve are critically important to helping us serve our students. 线程的多样性, 股本, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) into everything that we do to be a better college both in our internal culture and within the community. 我也被驱使去冰球突破豪华版试玩校区编程. We have a very successful welding program there and will be looking to bring other programs there that are a foundational to the community.

你打算如何与当地企业合作? 很多事情已经自然而然地开始了. I hold a board position on the Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce and have been interacting with them and their members. 我与我们的大湾区顾问委员会取得了联系, 它是由不同行业的领导者组成的, to get their input on how to make the college even more relevant to workforce needs and move the college forward. I’m inviting the community here to see our campus through different meetings and events and will continue to also go out into the community to make connections and be available. We are focused on these connections in order to meet workforce needs regionally and throughout the state of New Hampshire.

高中毕业后,你会用什么方法来吸引高年级学生? We are determined to connect with high schools in the area and provide a pathway to certificates and degrees. We work with Career Technical Education (CTE) Centers to make connections with students and inspire them to continue their college education in the path that they are already studying or choose a different route. 我们将继续“翱翔成功”计划, 为期五天的新兵训练营, to build leadership and academic skills for high school graduates to help ease the transition into college. 另外, we are bringing more athletic programs and camps on campus for families so they can experience GBCC and hopefully positively impact their college plans later in life.

How have the past two years impacted how community colleges will operate and educate in the future? 利用技术并将远程学习纳入我们的学术计划, 我们已经把朴茨茅斯的所有教室都改成了高弹性教室, 让我们有能力同时进行面对面和在线教学. The college has adapted to technology for student advising and other services allowing for convenience and flexibility for our students.

你是如何融入校园社区的? 我一直把四处走走和老师们见面作为一项优先任务, 教职员及学生, attend campus events and committee meetings to interact and learn what everyone does. I want to know everybody’s name and how everything works so I engage in every way I can. 我花了很多时间在前厅, 去自助餐厅,顺便去参加学校的活动, 体育活动和学生出没的地方连接和参与.

What do you see as innovative opportunities or practices in higher ed that you may want to bring to GBCC? 使用更多的数字证书和徽章, 这是我们已经在做的吗, 我认为会被应用到所有的行业和职业中. It is skill oriented and it easily documents the learning concepts for students that employers are looking for in a digital world. 另外, 调整我们提供教育的方式,尽可能地创新, 无论是以远程的方式, 混合动力, 高弹性, 缩短航线长度, 堆积凭证. 我认为这是我们必须继续前进的创新方向.

夏季或秋季学期有什么新鲜刺激的计划吗? We are all so excited about our Gather partnership to provide space for the organization to meet its mission while at the same time establish a cafeteria/restaurant for our community.  We are expanding athletics and are planning more in person engagement opportunities for students on campus. 从秋天开始, we will be offering a new degree program in 首页land Security and Emergency Management.

作为一个要回到新英格兰的人, 你最喜欢新罕布什尔和海岸的什么? I love the lakes and the mountains and one of my first trips back in the state was to the ocean. My husband and I love to take day trips to travel back roads through the amazingly beautiful state and enjoy the scenery. 餐馆很棒,我喜欢尝试新食物,在新地方吃东西.

你的爱好和个人兴趣是什么? 我喜欢和我丈夫在当地旅行. We love the outdoors whether that is on trails or at dog parks with our Husky named Sox, 皮划艇或高尔夫. 我也是一个大读者,喜欢坐下来读一本好书.

你最大的成就是什么? 我为这一路走来的许多事情感到骄傲, 我女儿是个了不起的女人, 成为一所社区大学的校长. 作为管理员, it is all about impacting students in different ways personally and academically for individual growth. The individual student stories are the proudest accomplishments that I have and I am looking forward to adding more from GBCC.